May 31, 2024

How to write a UGC Creator Brief [+ Free Template]

How to write a UGC Creator Brief [+ Free Template]

Today, I'm going to take you on a deep dive into the art of briefing a User-Generated Content (UGC) creator to produce ads that convert on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. By the end of this post, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to get the most out of your UGC collaborations, and I’ll even share the exact brief template. Ready? Let’s get started!

The Great Debate: To Brief or Not to Brief?

One of the most common questions I get is whether you should even brief creators or let them have creative freedom. I’ve grappled with this for quite some time, but I’ve come to a definitive conclusion: briefing is essential.

Why? Because giving creators as much information as possible ensures they understand your brand, your vision, and the specific goals you want to achieve. However, you don’t want to overwhelm them with a four-page document. Balance is key, and we’ve found a happy medium that works well with our creators.

The Power of a 15-Minute Call

Before diving into the specifics of the brief, there's one crucial part of our process that you won’t see on the actual document: a quick 15-minute call with every new creator. This step might seem tedious, but trust me, it makes a world of difference.

During these calls, we:

  1. Clearly Communicate Our Vision: We outline exactly what we want, including high-level brand do's and don'ts.
  2. Encourage Creativity: We emphasize that we love creators who add their own unique flair.
  3. Brainstorm Ideas: We ask them for their ideas and brainstorm together

This approach helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the creator feels valued and involved in the process.

The Controversial Topic: Raw Footage

Another hot topic in the UGC world is negotiating for raw footage. More and more creators are charging extra for raw footage, even though it takes them less work since they don’t have to edit.

As someone who runs a UGC division at an agency and is also a UGC creator, this is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. When a brand asks for raw footage, I’m happy to provide it. I believe in giving them a huge library of content, and that’s how I get repeat customers.

However, when creators nickel and dime me for raw footage, it drives me crazy. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments below. Do you think it's fair for creators to charge more for raw footage?

Do UGC Creators Make Good Ads?

This leads me to another question: Do UGC creators create good ads? Are they knowledgeable enough to craft direct response ads that convert?

I’m not entirely convinced either way. Sometimes, especially on TikTok, organic-style ads convert well. But I’ve had trouble getting UGC creators to make edits for Facebook and Instagram ads, which require a more direct response style.

What do you think? Do you find UGC creators effective for your ad campaigns?

My Exact UGC Brief Template

Alright, enough of the preamble. Let’s dive into the meat of this post: the exact UGC brief template we use at Thesis. This template has been fine-tuned to help us get the content we need while still giving creators the freedom to add their personal touch.

Client Information

  • Client Name: [Insert Client Name]
  • Deadline: [Insert Deadline]
  • Shipping Details: [Insert Shipping Details]
  • Website: [Insert Website URL]
  • Instagram: [Insert Instagram Handle]
  • Target Demographic [Insert Target Demographics]

Creative Package Specifications

  • Submission Method: Submit via Google Drive or WeTransfer.
  • Expectations: One testimonial and 10 b-roll clips (or as specified).

Content Brief

  • Purpose: This content is for ads, so no posting or organic handles are required.
  • Platforms: It will run on Facebook and Instagram ads.

Shooting Specifications

  • Lighting: Ensure good lighting.
  • Orientation: Film vertically.
  • Extra Seconds: Add extra seconds to clips.
  • Audio: Turn off ACS.
  • Filters and Logos: Avoid filters and logos.
  • Background: Keep the background clean.


I create storyboards for my creators to give them a visual guide. For example, I might ask for a testimonial (full length or medium length) with a sample script. I always emphasize that they can add their own flair.

B-roll Clips

I list out the specific b-roll clips I need, such as:

  • Sitting down and stretching with a laptop in view.
  • Working out.
  • Drinking water.
  • Eating a snack.


Q: How long should my UGC brief be?

A: Your brief should be concise but comprehensive. Aim for 1-2 pages, including visuals and examples.

Q: How do I ensure the creator understands my brand?

A: Use the 15-minute call to explain your brand’s vision, values, and goals. Provide examples of past successful content.

Q: Should I always ask for raw footage?

A: It depends on your needs. If you plan to repurpose the content for various platforms, raw footage can be incredibly valuable.

Q: What if the creator’s content doesn’t match my expectations?

A: This is why the briefing process is crucial. Clearly outline your expectations and provide feedback promptly to ensure alignment.


Briefing UGC creators effectively is both an art and a science. By providing clear guidelines while encouraging creativity, you can get the most out of your collaborations. Remember, the key is balance: give them enough information to understand your vision, but not so much that they feel restricted.

I hope you found this guide helpful! If you did, please give it a like or subscribe. It really helps me out as a creator. And if you have any questions about being a UGC creator or sourcing UGC creators, leave them in the comments below.

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