Meet your smart
influencer manager.
Mysocial is the most powerful way for influencers to build their social media career on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok

Driving traffic from instagram stories to your latest YouTube video is a common practice among influencers and content creators. But more so to send traffic from twitter to facebook, and snapchat to Tiktok, and tiktok to instagram.
But the main issue with cross-promoting your social media channel is that the viewer end up in an in-app browser which makes it harder for them to follow you or engage with your content. Deeplinking tools like Urlgeni.us solves this problem by allowing you to create smart links that open your social media pages right inside of the app when the viewer is on mobile.
Smartlink is a tool designed by Mysocial to help creators and influencers to increase their followers, revenue and engagement. You access it from Mysocial’s mobile application that can be found on the Apple Appstore and Google Play store.
You get access to 5000 clicks every month for free. When you reach your limit, your smartlinks will keep working, but they will not use it’s deeplinking funcitonality meaning that they will work just like a regular social media link.
You’re only receiving 500 total clicks to try the product for free. When you’ve used your free quota, you’ll no longer be able to to use urlgenius. Smartlink beats urlgeni.us in this area because you’ll get 5000 new free clicks every month. While urlgenius only gives you 500 total clicks, and will never give you a new additional free clicks at the start of the new month.
Since smartlink is part of the Mysocial application, you’re able to get so much more for less. At 30€/month you’re able to upgrade to Mysocial Pro which includes unlimited Smartlink clicks. Besides unlimited access to social media deeplinks you also get unlimited access to other tools like TubeView (a youtube influencer marketing analytics tool), Influencer Mediakit (your influencer CV), BrandOutreach (access to a database of 30.000 brands and the contact information to the marketing employees) +more.
It costs 10$ per 1000 clicks to use urlgenius. The price can get very expensive if you’re driving a lot of traffic. Since smartlink offers 5000 clicks for free every month. Markters who don’t drive a lot of traffic to cross-promote their YouTube, instagram, snapchat, tiktok, twitter and facebook channels are able to go a long way with the free version of Mysocial.
You access the Smartlink functionality only through the Mysocial app which can be downloaded for iPhone and Android.
It’s a web-based service that you can access directly from their website.
Mysocial Smartlink wins this battle for being the best service. The main reasons is it’s generous free plan where you’re able to get 5000 free clicks every month. It’s unlimited plan at 30€/month and it’s mobile version friendliness.